Permanent Research Plot

Weather Report for three(3) Substation at Crocker Range Park

Prepared By : Prof. Dr. Kuraji Koichiro (The University of Tokyo), Dr. Maznah Mahali, Dr. Anand Nainar & Rozaidi Hassan (Faculty of Tropical Forestry, Universiti Malaysia Sabah)

Under the BBEC Phase 2, weather monitoring activity was initiated in the end of the year 2010. The objective of this activity is to promote researchs in CRP. It is a joint collaboration work involving Sabah Parks, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (i.e. Faculty of Science & Natural Resources and Institute For Tropical Biology and Conservation) and Prof. Koichiro Kuraji, The University of Tokyo, Japan. At the moment, weather monitoring activity is ongoing at the Gunung Alab & Inobong Substation, CRP.

Weather Report for G. Alab, Inobong and Mahua Substation