s a b a h p a r k s
Our Board Member

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees

The first Board of Trustees of the Sabah National Parks was appointed in January 1963, chaired by the Conservator of Forests (Mr. G.L. Carson. C.B.E.) with four other members (Mr. E.J.H. Berwick, C.B.E., Mr. J. Comber, Datuk Ganie Gilong, Mr. Y.K. Wong).

The Board of Trustees of the Sabah Parks is comprised of ten (10) members who are appointed by His Excellency the Head of State of Sabah. Appointed members are mandated to held posts such as Chairman, Deputy Chairman, three ex-officio members (Holders of Permanent Secretary of Ministries those: under which Sabah Parks is placed, Ministry of Finance and Secretary of Natural Resources), four (4) other members and the Director of Sabah Parks.

Current Board Member

Tuan Peter

YBhg. En. Peter Lebar@ Peter Lintar

Tuan Abdul Razak

YBhg. En. Abdul Razak bin Jamil

Deputy Chairman
Puan Josei Lai

YBhg. Datuk Josie Lai

Ex-Officio Member - Permanent Secretary of Tourism, Culture & Environment Ministry Sabah
Tuan Sernam

YBhg. En. Sernam Singh

Ex-Officio Member - Secretary of Natural Resources
Tuan Faisal

En. Mohd. Faizal Mohd. Tahir (Representative)

Ex-Officio Member - Permanent Secretary of Finance Ministry
Tuan Gibril

YBhg. En. Gibil @ Gabriel bin Sinit

Tuan Robert

YBhg. En. Robert Penggai

Tuan Wong

YBhg. En. Wong Su Vui

Tuan Ramlan

YBhg. En. Ramlan Naim

Dr Maklarin Lakim

Director of Sabah Parks (YBhg. Dr. Maklarin Bin Lakim)

Ex-Officio Member