s a b a h p a r k s
Asset 164

Research Permit Guidelines

An explanation on research permit application


1.Application letters and completed research proposal papers should be submitted in Sabah Parks Research ePermit at least 1 month before the research is to be carried out.

2.For applicants conducting research related to biological resources, an access permit from the Sabah Biodiversity Center (Sabah Biodiversity Centre, SaBC) must be obtained first before a research permit is issued by the Park. Applicants can complete the application form at the following link: Web SaBC via http://www.sabc.sabah.gov.my/?q=content/access-license-application-form

3.The research proposal paper should contain the following information:

  • a) Research Paper Proposal Information
    • i) Title
    • ii) Objectives
    • iii) Methodology/Research methods (please specify if the research involves sampling)
    • iv) Definition of research concepts
    • v) Research location
    • vi) Research planning schedule
    • vii) Research duration
    • viii) For overseas researchers, a letter of consent from the researcher in Malaysia (Malaysian Counterpart) should be included.

4.A response letter will be issued after receiving approval from the Chief Assistant Director (Research and Education).

5.Researcher required to sends the research report/research thesis after the research is completed.

Research Permit Terms & Conditions

  • The applicant must bear all the cost incurred in conducting the research, and Sabah Parks is not bound to provide any form of assistance;
  • Sabah Parks is not responsible for any untoward incidents such as accident, injury or death that may occur to the applicant, his assistants or agents in the course of conducting this research;
  • Only specified type and numbers of specimen is allowed. Collection of other specimens including plant, insect, animal, rock or any other objects not specified is prohibited. Collection of endangered or protected species is also strictly prohibited unless a written exception has been obtained from the Sabah Parks;
  • The applicant are not allowed to collect specimen around park headquarter or stations and existing research quadrats or transects. Collections of specimen must also be at least 5 m from existing road or trail;
  • Research activities and the collection of specimens must strictly observe accepted research etiquettes, ands must not disturb, alter or litter the natural environment of the parks;
  • Applicant must report to the relevant Research Officer or the station’s officer in charge prior to starting any research or collecting work;
  • Upon completion of research work and prior to leaving the park, the applicant must submit a preliminary report which should include a brief introduction, preliminary result, itinerary and a full list of all specimens collected, and to declare all the specimens for the inspection of the research officer or the station’s officer in charge;
  • One set of duplicate of all specimens collected must be deposited, at no cost, with Sabah Parks. The first set of specimens collected within the park area must be allocated to the Sabah Parks;
  • Two copies of all official report, dissertations, theses, or whatever papers and publications resulting from this research, must be submitted, at no cost, to Sabah Parks. All significant result and findings must be disclosed in full to Sabah Parks;
  • This permit covers only research activities for scientific purposes. Any research and specimen collection for the purpose and towards commercialization of biodiversity must obtain prior consent and the agreement of Sabah Parks for the purpose of benefit sharing. Without prejudice to the provisions in this permit, Sabah Parks retain the right to a share of all commercial benefits and profits resulting from this research;
  • This permit is issued solely to the name stated in part (2) and must not include third parties. The research work and the collection of specimens must only be conducted by the permit holder;
  • Research must honour the letter and spirit of the convention on biological diversity (CBD), The convention on international Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and other international, regional, national, and state laws and policies concerning biodiversity;
  • The applicant is subject to the Park Enactment 1984 (Amendment 2007), and all parks regulations currently in force, during the applicant’s stay in the Parks;
  • Should the applicant fail to comply to any of the above, Sabah Parks reserve the right to revoke this permit in the first instance without prior notice.

Research Fees

# Category Local(RM) Foreign(RM)
01 Graduates 100 175
02 Undergraduate Degree 150 263
03 Philosophy Doctor 200 350
04 Other Researchers 200 350

Research Deposit

# Category Local(RM) Foreign(RM)
01 Graduates 100 175
02 Undergraduate Degree 150 263
03 Philosophy Doctor 200 350
04 Other Researchers 200 350