Marine Life at Tun Sakaran Marine Park
Tun Sakaran Marine Park (TSMP) is a home for a very high biological diversity. With an area 35,000 ha, it’s an active area of spawning, breeding and growth or marine life. Based on previous studies which were done by Dr. Elizabeth Wood, a well known marine biologist based in Sabah, as many as 255 spp. of coral have been recorded in the waters of TSMP indicates the high value of coral biodiversity in this area. Nowadays, there are 12 sites of coral reef monitoring program around the reefs of TSMP which were monitored by Sabah Park’s marine research unit. This coral reef monitoring study administered annually to know up-to-date status and other information which related to enhance the management of coral reef in this marine park. As much as 528 species of reef fish and more than 240 species of marine invertebrate also recorded in this area. During the Marine Scientific Expedition in the year of 2009, there are six species sea grass that has identified in this area. Among them is Cymodecea rotundata, enhalus acoraides, and ahalophila ovalis. Pulau Selakan and Pulau Bohey Dulang have recorded as the highest abundance of sea grass in TSMP.