Kinabalu Park, the World Heritage Site covers an area of 754 sq km was gazetted as a park in 1964.The basis for the establishment of a protected area in Kinabalu were formed after a report from the Royal Society Kinabalu Scientific expedition in 1962-1964 led by Prof. Corner. It is the first Park in the Malaysian Borneo's state of Sabah.
Its main feature is Mount Kinabalu (4,095.2 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. Its slope is home to a rich assemblage of plants and animal species. It is a hot spot of particularly the plant biodiversity with affinities to flora from the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malay Peninsula, as well as pan-tropical region.

The main entry point for visitors is the Park Headquarters located about 92 km on the Kota Kinabalu - east coast highway lying at an elevation 1,520m above sea levels. Cooler climates attracted over 250,000 visitors in 2009 with about 47,000 made the attempt to conquer the peak. The administrative center is located in the 'Conservation Center' building. Also in the same building is the Research and Education offices and facilities.

Kinabalu Park World Heritage Site (WHS)
Kinabalu UNESCO Global Geopark Kinabalu UNESCO Global Geopark (KUGGp)
Opening Hour
Opening Hour : 8.00am - 5.00pm (Monday to Sunday)** Botanical Garden: Last Entry 3.00pm
Entrance Fee
List of fees for Kinabalu Park.
# | Particulars | 18 Years & Above | Below 17 Years | Remarks |
01 | Conservation Fee (Malaysian) | RM 10 | RM 5 | Below 12 Years / Above 60 Years & OKU : Free of Charge |
02 | Conservation Fee (International) | RM 50 | RM 25 | -- |
03 | Mount Kinabalu Climbing Permit (Malaysian) | RM 100 | RM 50 | -- |
04 | Mount Kinabalu Climbing Permit (International) | RM 400 | RM 200 | -- |
Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden new fees.
# | Particulars | 18 Years & Above | Below 17 Years |
01 | Conservation Fee (Malaysian) | RM 4 | RM 2 |
02 | Conservation Fee (International) | RM 5 | RM 3 |
The Kinabalu Park boundaries stretches over 100km long in 3 districts and monitoring it would be an exasperating task for enforcement officers. Substations were set up at strategic locations around the park's boundaries. Beside serving as a ranger outposts, substations are gaining popularity due to its unique natural attractions and easy access for local visitors. The substation was also frequently used by the Sabah Parks research unit conducting floral and faunal inventories.
# | Substation | Area |
01 | Poring Hot Springs Substation Conservation Fees | Ranau |
02 | Mesilau Substation Close | Kundasang - 04.07.1995 |
03 | Sayap Substation Conservation Fees | Kota Belud - 1992 |
04 | Serinsim Substation Conservation Fees | Kota Marudu - 1995 |
05 | Monggis Substation Conservation Fees | Ranau |
06 | Nalapak Substation Conservation Fees | Kota Marudu - 1995 |
The Serinsim substation is about 32km from Kota Marudu and lies between the Serinsim and Kinarom river. A hostel which could accomodate 16 person is available for the public. Amongs the attractions at Serinsim were 'Makam SiGunting' or Si Gunting graveyard, Bat Cave and trail to the summit of Namboyukong.
The Monggis is about 45km from Ranau town and climbing Mount Tomboyukon begins from this sub-station.
The Sayap is known for its hiking trails that lead to the Kemantis waterfall.
The Nalapak is a ranger outpost also known as 'sub-stesen Utara' or north sub-station due to its location in the northern most tip of Kinabalu Park.
Activities at Kinabalu Park
The mountain garden is open from 9.00am to 4.00pm everyday. Visitors can visit the garden and roam by themself at anytime during the opening hours, however a conducted guided tour through the garden with Sabah Park's interpretation guide are scheduled at 9.00am , 12.00 and 3.00pm.
A guide walk through the nature trail with Sabah Park's interpretation guide are scheduled to begin at 11.00am everyday.
(Venue: Starts from the Kinabalu Multipurpose Hall)
A Briefing for climbers to Mount. Kinabalu is also conducted by SSL Naturalist at 6.00pm everyday.
A glimpse view and introduction to the Aspiring Kinabalu Geopark which located at Conservation centre building.
DA Rafflesia shaped round table and can comfortably accommodate 25 person.

Used mostly by staff for badminton and court games and occasionally for events and dinner.

In the Kinabalu Park Headquarters compound several accommodations ranging from the basic hostel type of luxurious chalet are available. All accommodation inside the HQ compound is run by SSL. Several other accommodations outside is also available.